This is the future home of Ziokai.
Ziokai presents English in audio and video, with extensive explanations of the language that can be accessed at any time.
Learn English by watching and listening to real natural language. Stop and look at the explanation whenever you want more information about what you are hearing.
Stop and look at the explanation whenever you want more information about what you are hearing.
We give you a perfect view of what you are learning so you understand your progress.
We don’t give you tests and grades because we are not that kind of school. We just show you English and we explain it to you in the most pleasant and effective way you have ever seen and heard.
Watch and listen to some live English conversations, or to your choice of interesting content.
In the notes, you get a transcript and a translation of all the language.
We explain the language you hear in each segment, with notes about grammar and the meanings of words. These are based on the ZIOKAI MANUAL OF MODERN ENGLISH, our comprehensive reference book for students of English.
This approach comes from my personal experience. I learned two languages all the way up to fully functional fluency, and I started both of them in school on the first day with no knowledge of either of them. If you are a studying English and you want to really succeed in learning it, you can trust me that I know the path that you need to follow, to reach that success. I did it with French, which I studied in high school and with Italian, which I studied at the university.
I taught English in Milan, Italy, for seven years, and also wrote books and edited a magazine about English for Italians. The ZIOKAI Manual of Modern English began as practical teaching notes and is my best effort at a comprehensive guide to English for anyone.